Looking for affordable pressure washing service prices in Cove? Texas Pressure Washing offers competitive rates. Contact us today!
We approach every project with the utmost respect it deserves and remain committed until your satisfaction is achieved.
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Is your house covered with the unsightly green algae? Spider webs? Dirt? Rust?
No problem!

Our roof cleaning process is similar to our house washing process. We use a safe, low pressure cleaning solution that removes black streaks, algae, moss, and lichen.
We offer many different types of exterior cleaning including soft washing, power washing, surface cleaning, roof cleaning and more.
By cleaning your gutters, you are able to prevent your gutters from overflowing and possibly falling off.
We can clean patios, driveways and sidewalks without causing damage to the concrete surface.
We can clean both composite/ vinyl material as well as wooden decks and fences. Our process for each is slightly different.